Gravel / Motor Grader Resources
Roadway design, gravel quality and motor grader operation are key factors for maintaining gravel roadways. This section is a one-stop shop for gravel roadway information, providing gravel roadway training and technology ranging from resource publications to hands-on motor grader field training. With more than 50% of North Dakota's 106,000 mile roadway network relying on gravel surfacing it is imperative that gravel roadway technologies be shared and that technology advancements be an integral part of the state's asset management plan.
Gravel Surfacing Spec (PDF, 99K)
- Meeting the Mark on Gravel Quality Presentation Slides (PDF, 9.57 MB)
- One Page Guides and References for 2020 NDLTAP Classes (PDF, 4350K)
- Exploration, Development, and Reclamation of Aggregate Resources (PDF, 38.1 MB)
Gravel Surfacing and Calcium Chloride Stabilization Project ROM-0300(142)
- Webinar Recording - Part 1
- Webinar Recording - Part 2
- Webinar Presentation (PDF, 3006K)
- NDDOT Request for Proposal (PDF, 2747K)
- NDDOT Scope of Work (PDF, 11.8 MB)
Gravel Spread Chart (PDF, 907K)
Slope Meter (PDF, 1898K)
Guidelines for the Selection, Specification and Application of Chemical Dust Control and Stabilization Treatments on Unpaved Roads (PDF, 28.3 MB)
Grader Mount Sod Mulcher (PDF, 764K)
Gravel Reclaimer (PDF, 844K)
Gravel Roads: Construction and Maintenance Guide, FHWA (PDF, 17.8 MB)
Preliminary Analysis of Dust Control Measures (PDF, 181K)
Dust Control Information (PDF, 177K)