Asphalt Resources
- Paving Potpourri (PDF, 2051K)
- When to Apply a Chip Seal (PDF, 3453K)
- Patching the Never Ending Job? (PDF, 2210K)
- Part 2 Presentation (PDF, 36.4 MB)
Pavement Ends: A North Dakota Success Story (PDF, 637K)
Distress Identification Guide (PDF, 2994K)
Hot In-Place Recycling Short Course (PDF, 8434K)
- Course Info Sheet (PDF, 562K)
- Recycling Drone Footage (MP4, 136 MB)
- Recycling I-44 Will Rogers Turnpike (WMV, 258 MB)
Bituminous Patching Material Yield Calculations (Excel, 38K)
Asphalt Crack Sealing Operations, FHWA (PDF, 704K)