NDLTAP Road Ready Research, R3 Road Ready Research, R3, papers summarize and share information about key roadway topics. The papers meld research findings with roadway best practices in a way that is allows roadway owners to understand and implement improvement processes. R3s are meant to serve as the conduit to transfer positive research results to the roadway, saving time and money. Research Pays!
- Frost Action (PDF, 1079K): As fall turns to winter and temperatures drop below the freezing mark, frost begins damaging our roads — and the problem continues right through winter into spring. Humps, dips, cracks, potholes, and heaved sign, fence, and guardrail posts caused by frost damage are major cost factors. They damage our vehicles and consume major portions of our highway budgets.
- See Something - Say Something to Improve Roadway Safety and Save Lives (PDF, 216K): Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of injury related deaths in North Dakota. Research shows that 94% of motor vehicle crashes can be attributed to human behavior (speeding, drinking and driving, not wearing a seatbelt, etc.) North Dakota's Vision Zero strategy aims to establish a culture of personal responsibility where motor vehicle fatalities and serious injuries are recognized as preventable and not tolerated. This includes implementing workplace traffic safety policies that support driver and passenger safety as well as infrastructure and road safety improvements.
- Dust Control on Gravel Roads: Traditional Methods Using Magnesium and Calcium Chloride (PDF, 900K): Gravel roads are dusty. For many roadways, the dust creates unsafe driving conditions. Additionally, the loss of fine material degrades the ability of the driving surface aggregate to bond together and shed water. Logically, increased traffic volumes result in increased dust. So what can we do to reduce the dust? As traffic volumes exceed 100 average daily traffic (ADT), consideration should be given to the application of dust control.
- Americans with Disabilities Act and Local Road Agencies (PDF, 591K): The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law by President H.W. Bush in July 1990. This civil rights act is intended to prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities so that every individual can participate in all areas of public life. Everyone benefits from accessible facilities—moms/dads pushing strollers, delivery people using wheeled carts and those who have temporary disabilities due to an injury or medical procedure.
- Asset Management at the Local and County Level (PDF, 275K): Asset management (specifically pavement management) has been in development since the 1960s. These plans help roadway managers make key decisions on when and where to invest their limited budget on their roadways. Developing this plan can be time consuming. However, using existing data and having a strong leadership component is essential in building a useful asset management system that fits the size of the organization. After creation, these plans can be continually updated and continue to serve the organization in making good engineering decisions with their limited finances.
- Roadway Reversion (PDF, 613K): Previously, low construction and maintenance costs for pavements allowed local jurisdictions to pave large portions of their roadway network. More recently, construction and maintenance costs for asphalt roadways have risen faster than inflation and, more importantly, funding. Because of this, local roadway jurisdictions are un-paving, or reverting roadways back to an engineered gravel surface. The process has been used in more than half of the states in the United States, in Canada, and in Finland. It requires proper equipment, materials, final roadway grading and full public support to be successful. This document will review current practices including some researched best practices from NDLTAP, FHWA, and other sources.
- Pavement Preservation Terminology (PDF, 914K): Communication is critical for an agency to have a successful pavement preservation program. Often we assume that everyone we are working with understands the jargon we use. This document contains definitions for some of the treatments and measures used to establish a successful pavement preservation program. Clear communication and clearly defined terminology are keys to building a successful team.
- Crack Seal Best Practices (PDF, 332K): Crack sealing/filling is a cost effective pavement maintenance tool that can be effectively completed by county workers or contractors. Knowing how to most effectively employ this technique is important, as failure of this product is costly, especially in low budget situations. This review includes some researched best practices from NDDOT, FHWA, and other sources.