News Bulletins
NDLTAP News Bulletins are published periodically, and include technical articles on:
- road, bridge and traffic technologies
- safety, legal and managerial issues
- workshop schedule announcements and upcoming events
- descriptions of new videotapes, publications and other resources
Short training courses on selected topics are provided at convenient locations throughout the state. A small registration fee is charged to help cover expenses. Short courses and conferences are cosponsored with other transportation agencies, associations, and groups for local agency personnel, to assist in arranging on-site demonstrations and special topic events.
Technical Assistance
NDLTAP staff at NDSU and the NDDOT link clients who have technical questions to knowledgeable personnel at the local level, NDSU, University of North Dakota, NDDOT, FHWA, and others.
Information Services
NDLTAP staff will provide a copy of a publication, video, research report, workshop literature, newsletter or other article, or other transportation-related literature upon request and usually at no cost.