NDACo, along with their local government partners from the ND League of Cities, ND Recreation and Parks, ND School Boards & ND Townships are putting together a joint event during the Legislative Session. This will replace the NDACo County Day. The event is scheduled for Feb. 18 & 19th and will be held at the Bismarck Event Center with a legislative social being held Feb. 18th.
Carbon monoxide, more commonly referred to as CO, is a highly toxic gas, produced by devices that burn fuels – often found in our everyday lives. Carbon monoxide can’t be seen, smelled, or heard, but can be extremely dangerous to humans. Carbon monoxide is only detectable with an electronic carbon monoxide sensor.
With winter weather comes snow fighting and with snow fighting comes fatigue. Unpredictable weather can lead to long difficult hours on the road with few breaks and little sleep. However, there are several things agencies and drivers can do to make sure crews are in good shape to combat Old Man Winter, maintain our roads, and get home safely.